Java syntax in Activity

Though Pega suggest us not to use java , certain times we are forced to use java for the complex solutions.
For a guy like me , who did not do java as curriculum always depends on google for the java code.
This post is going to help me to identify the syntax of certain java code which I have used

Click the button to copy the syntax and paste in the Java beautifier for alignment

Use case Add Log message
  oLog.infoForced("Log message Here");
Use case Add try and catch block
  try {
   oLog.infoForced("try block executed");
   } catch (Exception ex) {
    oLog.error("catch block executed", ex.toString());
Use case To get current Date and Time
  Date date1 = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
      oLog.infoForced("Current Date Time"+ date1);
Use case To get current Date and Time
  Date date1 = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
      oLog.infoForced("Current Date Time"+ date1);
Use case Convert Bigdecimal(input) to date format
  DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/YYYY");
      String date = df.format(input);
      oLog.infoForced("Converted Date format"+ date);
Use case To create a Clipboard page object from step page/ Page/ datapage
ClipboardPage sp1 = myStepPage;
ClipboardPage sp2 = tools.getStepPage();
ClipboardPage cp  tools.findPage("PageName");
ClipboardPage dp  tools.findPage("D_PageName");
Use case To create a Clipboard property object from step page/ Page/ datapage
ClipboardPage cp  tools.findPage("PageName");
String ABC = cp.getProperty("pyLabel").toString();
Use case To Loop over PageList / datapage - (D_PageName.pxResults(1).PNAME)
String DatapageName = "D_PageName";
ClipboardPage dpage tools.findPage(DatapageName);
if (dpage != null) {
    ClipboardProperty Results = dpage.getIfPresent("pxResults");
    Iterator it = Results.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        ClipboardProperty next = (ClipboardProperty);
        ClipboardPage nextPage = next.getPageValue();
        ClipbaordProperty propertyname = nextPage.getIfPresent("PNAME");
    	oLog.infoForced("Print Property"+ propertyname);
Use case For Loop Logic
int size = 10000;
    int size = sp.getProperty("PropertyName").size();
    for (int i=1 ; i <= size ; i++)
    oLog.infoForced("For logic"+ i);

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