Why Pega OOTB functions

Why to Use Pega OOTB functions ?

Let's take a small scenario to check why should I should go with Pega functions instead of custom approach

Consider you have Pagelist and you need to find the Length of Pagelist

There are two approaches to find the pagelist
1) Loop through the pagelist and find the count
2) Use Pega -in built functions

Method 1: Loop through the pagelist and find the count

Here , we have written sample DT and Loop through the Pagelist and find the count

Tracing this Data transform , it takes 0.0090 seconds to complete the Data transfrom

Method 2: Use Pega -in built functions

Here , Using same sample DT and pega OOTB function to find the count

Tracing this Data transform , it takes 0.0060 seconds to process the Data transform

Should we go with Pega OOTB functions ? just because it takes less time which is less than a second.

Yes, this is one of the reason.
Let's check the processing time in percentage.😱

Considering the huge amount of code which is modified with Pega OOTB functions can significantly improve the performance of your application.

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